
Clan Rules

Member Rules

  1. Because donate to receive is a perfect ratio, donate must equal receive, or not double from each other. Donation ratio not over 1:2 or 2:1. Do not over donate, or under donate.
  2. People can donate more high house space troops such as wiz, giants, pekkas, dragons to catch up on donates.
  3. Donate by request only or don’t donate at all if you do not have those troops or ask if the troops, or ask if the troops you’re willing to donate are good for the requester
  4. Donate before request.
  5. Newbies must donate first before request.
  6. Default donates during farming are archer, minions, or giants, include one of those in your request. However, support each other during trophy hunts or war, and make premium troops for each other.
  7. Support each other during off hours and make higher house space troops to fill each other up.
  8. You can only request for type of troops that you donate yourself, unless if its for war.
  9. We are a friendly clan. Rudeness will get you kicked.
  10. Do not ask for elder under 2 wks. (doing so will only prolong/discard your chance at elder).
  11. New elders are earned by: 2.5wks min. To 3.5 wks avg in clan. Donate n receive 600+ donates/wk consistently. nice n friendly. Chatty or help w the clan welcome newbies.
  12. We are an international but english speaking clan. Needs to have basic english speaking skills in order to communicate with fellow clan mates. Can speak in foreign languages briefly, but best to speak in English most of the time in clan so that others do not feel alienated.


War Rules

We at Aura Clans take Clan War seriously.  Current schedule of Aura’s Elite  is 1 day rest after each war, Aura’s Pandora is every Mon & Fri 9pm est. The extra days are used by the clan organizers to come up with a kick-list to clean the clan of members that are either inactive or failed to follow War rules.  There are simple and plain rules that we came up for Clan War, members failing to follow these rules will be mercilessly kicked.

  1. Please help fill war defense clan castles. Donate by request or default is max wiz or witches for elite, lvl 5+ wiz for pandora.
  2. All must use all raids in all wars.
  3. Attack opponents no more than -10 spots from your rank only. If you are top 5, you can only attack enemies top 1-15 only.
  4. Bottom 1/3 in rank must use 1st raid first night, last raid by 8 hrs left in war.  Mid 2/3 4 hrs left.  Top 1/3 use first raid first, and only last raid for  clean up last 4 hrs.
  5. All must try and use good strategy with premium troops to win max stars. Those caught using cheap troops and keeps loosing risk being kicked. Few times bad raids are ok. But we should address to those players, give them tips to improve, and they must show signs of trying for next wars.
  6. Good troop strags: Giant/wiz/healer, Hog/wiz with heal, all drag with rage and freeze, gowiwi with rage and freeze , gowipe with jump rage and freeze.
  7. If winning by landslide, wait for announcement from a co/lead last few hours. Then can snipe a th outside or get easiest 1 star base for loot bonus.
  8. If losing by a landslide, wait for announcement from a co/lead to announce a surrender last few hours.   A surrender can only be called if more than 5 good raids left and still loosing by landslide.   Then don’t have to raid, but all must try if war is close and has to show you are online to show you are active. Those that are inactive and wouldn’t of raided anyways risk being kicked. But if war is fairly close down to less than 5 good raids left those players still have to raid even if still would lose to be fair to the people who worked hard upto that point.
  9. If the match looks over matched, fill war cc with archers atleast. Do not raid and wait 10 hours and evaluate. If opponent does not look as hard as first thought, all must get ready to fight asap. If opponent won many stars than we can win by then, we will forfeit.


Trophy Hunt Rules

  1. Push hardest for trophies, do not hover at the bottom.  The lowest cups at 45 ppl gets send to feeder.
  2. The donation ratio has been relaxed to no more than 1:3 or 3:1 during trophy hunt season.  But do not under or over donate by 1:3 or 3:1.
  3. Support each other and donate premium troops to each other.



  1. Because the join clan tab only features clans that are under 44 ppl, sorted by 44 ppl first and set at anyone can join. Please maintain clan at 44 ppl exact and anyone can join.
  2. If over 44 ppl, if the newbie is under lvl, tell him to leave/kick him first.
  3. If the newbie meets the posted lvl min, wait 15 minutes min. , then Kick lowest under lvl min, lowest donator, then inactives in that order. Wait 15 minutes min. From time a good newbie joins bc newbies come n go n newbies don’t like clans that kick upon joining so soon, then, we’d be under 44.
  4. If under 44 ppl, invite any low lvl from glob to make 44 ppl. And/or if co/lead is on can also lower clan cup limit for a quick fill. Then kick lowest under lvl once over 44 ppl.
  5. If newbie joins when were were under 44 ppl and were only a little under lvl (-4 lvl from the current min.) and been in clan for a bit by the time we are 45 and seems active, donates and chats, do not kick.
  6. If need to leave clan. Wait till clan is over 44 ppl, or replace yourself- invite any1 from glob. So when u leave, its back at 44 ppl.
  7. If newbie meets lvl min. Welcome them n make them feel welcomed.
  8. We are a nice n friendly clan. Kick rude ppl.
  9. Lvl mins. are raised +5lvl each time when only 10 ppl r below the min. Keep very strict w the posted lvl mins. Only -1 lvl from the posted min. is allowed. Send under or over mins. To other fam. clans.
  10. We will be ruled by democracy, not tyranny. Majority decision wins. But if tied main lead makes final decision.
  11. Leads take snapshots of donate boards (press power then home key on apple devices) b4 they refresh every other Sunday, if needed. same time as a league season resets. Can look at your league for the countdown when it will reset.
  12. We have a have grandfather clause. Increased lvl mins are for new members only. Old members once joined at lvl will not be kicked but still has to meet weekly donate mins.
  13. We believe in giving people 2nd chances. 1 time is ok, 2 strikes n they r out.
  14. Some busy wks or known vacas are fine. But Elders are de-eldered and/or kicked if becomes inactive for over 3 wks.
  15. It’s always better to play with friends. Friends of elders/co/leads can be -5 from the current lvl min.

5 thoughts on “Rules

  1. Love this clan. Thank you for letting me join the family. Working towards earning a leadership roll! Thanks for being awesome

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