Cup Runs

Trophy Farming/Cup Runs

The general concept of Trophy Farming is to gain Trophies, and worry about nothing else. This can be done multiple ways, and is practiced by many (if not most) of the top players on Clash of Clans.

Gaining Trophies 


While there are undoubtedly a myriad of ways to gain Trophies and a great deal of fun can be had discovering them, only a few tried-and-true methods for obtaining trophies easily are included in this section. This is by no means an exhaustive list.

The following sections outine the types of villages you will encounter as you farm for Trophies:


My farmer defense

Farmers typically leave their Town Halls out in the open, so you have nothing to worry about. If you are worried about Hidden Teslas, check the Town Hall level. If it is 7 or above, look for possible places close to their resources where a Hidden Tesla could be.

Remember, however, that all you are after is Trophies, and that if you destroy the Town Hall you have accomplished your goal. Unless there are several defenses in range (multiple MortarsArcher Towers, etc.) it is usually relatively straightforward to overwhelm an exposed Town Halland claim victory.

“Half-Way” Farmers

Some farmers (and a surprising amount of other players) have their Town Halls on the edge of their base but still protected by Walls. There could be one or two defenses close by. You have some options:

  1. Check the Town Hall level. If it is higher than 7, see if there are any good chances of Hidden Teslas being nearby. If there are, skip it. Otherwise, continue down the check list.
  2. If there are no Air Defenses nearby, you could use Minions to go after the Town Hall. Also check for Archer Towers and Wizard Towers; these are easily distracted by a group of Giants if necessary.
  3. If the defenses are far enough away, you can simply place two or three Archers a few tiles away, and they will destroy it.

For either of the above methods, you only need about 5 Troops, unless you need to distract a defensive structure or two.

50 Percent

This method says it all in the name. Train a bunch of ArchersBarbarians and Goblins, and destroy as many buildings as possible. Try to pick a village where many buildings on the outside are unprotected. Look in all corners for Builder’s Huts or other nonessential targets, as these are essentially freebies that will get you to 50% quickly without having to place extra troops to destroy inside defenses. Once 50% is achieved, you will get 1 star, thus giving you 1/3 of the Trophies available.

Lightning Spell attack

This is another straightforward strategy. This method requires:

  1. Highest level Spell Factory available for you.
  2. Highest available level of Lightning Spells for you.
  3. As many Lightning Spells as you can hold of the highest level you can get.

Unfortunately there is no effective way to gain Trophies with Lightning Spells alone (four maximum-level Lightning Spells can only destroy a level 2 Town Hall by themselves). However, they can be used to soften up defenses around the Town Hall, or the Town Hall itself if you can reach it with Troops like Dragons or Minions. In addition, you can hold your Lightning Spells in reserve in case your Troops cannot completely destroy the Town Hall by themselves, and then use your spells to finish it off.

Defending Your Village


An essential part of any successful attack strategy is a strong defensive one; after all, you must defend your village in order to protect the Trophies you have already won. More importantly, you can pick up large amounts of Trophies from unsuccessful attacks on your village as well (sometimes substantially more than you can through your own attacks). Here are some tips.

  • DO NOT place anything in the corners of the map, that just helps people get 50% easier.
  • Make sure that all of your buildings on the outside are covered, soArchers can’t attack freely.
  • Make sure your Air DefensesMortars and eventually X-Bows don’t overlap too much. This maximizes area covered. Try to place your mortar in a triangular pattern to maximize the amount of space they can cover.
  • Remember that Mortars can’t defend themselves from point blank.
  • Try to keep your Gold Mines and Elixir Collectors empty, and your stored resources to a minimum. The more resources you have on hand, the more attractive you will be to higher level opponents.

Trophies are the basis upon which status is earned. You gain or lose trophies by either winning or losing Multiplayer Battles. Trophies can also be won or lost when your village is raided. If your defense wins, you gain trophies; if your attacker wins, you lose trophies. There are three reasons for collecting or controlling your trophy count:

  1. To gain rank on the various leader boards: My League, Top Players (Global and local) and Top Clans. You are also ranked against your own clan members.
  2. To control which relative trophy level players you can attack.
  3. To control which relative level trophy can attack you.

The Leaderboard

The leaderboard is determined by the number of trophies a player or clan has, which are won in multiplayer battles. On each leaderboard, the top 200 players will be listed. Additionally, if you hold less than 200 trophies, you may view your individual rank in Top Players with two players in front of your rank and two behind it. Clan ranks may be viewed in the same format under Top Clans. To see how the collective clan trophy count is calculated, see Clan Ranking.


When choosing a village to raid, you will be matched with people who have about the same number of trophies as you. (NOTE: the exact number or mechanics of this matching are unknown. However, you may currently attack/be attacked by players with a trophy difference as much as ~230 lower or higher than your own as of April 2013)

You can only attack people with a similar amount of trophies, this prevents lower leveled people from being constantly destroyed and makes the game more interesting. However, some people like to drop their trophy levels to be able to farm villages. This is one of the many strategies people use in multiplayer battles. There is much debate on whether this is fair or not.

Top Clan Rewards

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Players compete to have the most trophies and to bring their clan to the top of the leader board to receive Gems. At the end of every two weeks, the top 3 clans receive Gem rewards divided equally amongst the top 10 players of those clan.

The rewards are thus:

  • First place clan: 20,000 Gems (2,000 Gems to each top 10 player).
  • Second place clan: 10,000 Gems (1000 Gems to each top 10 player).
  • Third place clan: 6,000 Gems (600 Gems to each top 10 player).

Despite the perception of many lower level and lower trophy count players, the reward system does not actually significantly benefit the top players in any way. In fact, as reported by Jorge Yao himself, the gems received are “not even noticable” in comparison to the number he spends on a daily basis.

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